Note: This week wasn't super interesting however it is worth mentioning.
Tuesday 6/11:
Today marked my first week at my official placement. I'm interning with the United Farm Workers here in DC and have loved it. So far, I've been given several tasks that will soon build to even bigger tasks. It's been a lot of reading, writing, and listening however it's been an opportunity for me to learn how I can make an impact. After a busy day at work, I attended a USDA (United States Department of Agriculture) leadership dinner where I was able to meet so many great individuals. I learned about different roles within the USDA and how these roles affect producers and consumers around the world. I would say that the best part about being here in DC during my first summer as a college student has definitely made me a more curious individual and as such I was asking a lot of questions today. Dinners like these make for memories like the ones I will continue to make here in DC as a UFW intern.
Congressional Baseball Game for Charity
Wednesday 6/12:
Today after work I was able to experience my first baseball game from the stands perspective. I wasn't sure what was going to happen at the game since it consisted of congressional representatives. There was the red and the blue and all I remember is the game starting off good then it began to go left. Overall, attending this game was very fun and a great way to spend my Wednesday night. I would definitely recommend a congressional baseball game as I heard "it's better than a regular game" by anonymous.
Wed. Part 2:
A part from this journal being about me and the things I'm doing in D.C., I wanted to include a small section for my parents back home. Today after asking them to help support me, they dropped everything they were doing to attend a "Rally to Protect Farm Workers Voting Rights" in Bakersfield, CA. They are the root to my success as they have always supported me in everything and always told me to dream big. As farm workers themselves they believed it was crucial to go to this event and share their thoughts. Farm workers are at the frontlines for our agricultural workforce and so they should be given THE essential; water, shade, and breaks. I wanted to include this section to say "Gracias papás por nunca dejar de apoyarme en lo que deseo y por siempre estar ahí por mí" (thank you parents for never not supporting me in what I desire and for always being there for me).
Friday 6/14:
Today after working from home I felt like I needed to breathe the outside air and so with a group of amazing friends I headed to my first movie theater IMAX experience. We watched Inside Out 2. All I can say is that I wish I would've watched the first movie before watching number 2. Overall, I loved it. I was falling asleep during parts of the movie but to be fair I'm horrible at staying awake for movies! I should also note that sadness by far is my favorite character. I would totally recommend this movie but first watch Inside Out (2015).
Sunday 6/16:
Before coming to DC I made a bucket list and today I would check off a box on it. I have always wanted to dig deeper into The Holocaust and after so many lessons in school I felt like it was only right if I visited the museums. I first went to the one in Los Angeles and today I visited the one in DC. It was a mind blowing experience as the one in LA was very small but informational. In this museum I was able to see so many impactful images and read many different stories. Being in the museum was a beautiful experience because I was able to discover the different things that many innocent people had to go through due to some individual who didn't have any clue what unjust decisions he was making. I would definitely recommend this museum!