Wednesday 7/17:
Today I had the opportunity to give a speech about the most meaningful experience I've had while in DC. I attended the Annual Directors Meeting which included all directors of the HEP/CAMP programs. There were approximately 100+ individuals representing their CAMP programs. This was such an exciting opportunity as I was able to share a little bit about me and about what I've been doing here in DC while interning with the UFW. In addition to giving a speech, I was able to hear the stories of two amazing individuals who have been impacted by the HEP/CAMP program staff. I was able to meet Itzel, a student who was selected to come to DC with my fellow colleagues however she wasn't able to come. After hearing her story, I was inspired.
Along with being able to meet a lot of important individuals, I had the opportunity of touring the underground tunnels that connect the House of Representatives-Capitol-Senate Buildings. I was able to see the inside of the tunnels, ride the underground subway and see amazing art hung on the walls from each state.
Today, I also attended a dinner with the board of directors for the HEP/CAMP program. I was able to learn more about the individuals who read my application and allowed me to be here today.
Thursday 7/18:
Today I started my day by finding out I have COVID... Sadly I had a fever today and I was sneezing all day. I should note that this is the first time I've ever had the virus, so my body isn't taking it all that well. However, I've been able to use this time to plan for a heat event that will honor many farm workers across the nation. To the next week of recovery...