Sunday 28, 2024
Today I went to a bagel spot with Bryan. It was very good. Afterward, we went to look at the American Museum. I enjoyed this museum because we were able to see a variety of historical events, from entertainment to inventions and wars that led to our freedom. We were there for around 2 hours, but if you want to tour the museum thoroughly, it will take a day and a half. Once we got done, we went to George Town to meet with Gizel and Esmeralda. We went to the thrift market to see what was there to buy, but I didn’t get anything. To conclude the day, we went to get the famous cupcakes from George Town. Bryan and I split a dozen cupcakes and headed back to the dorms.
Monday 29, 2024
Today was our last day of CHCI programming, which was sad because Mondays are always informative, and when the interns and I get to see each other. When we got to the Washington Center, we started the morning off with a check-in activity. Right after the check-in activity, we had our last GW session, where we listened to the top ten blog posts that interns submitted. Some of the topics the other interns wrote about were very interesting, so they were selected as the top ten. Later in the afternoon, we had a session where we had to find out our "why." This was an interesting session because it made me think about what my "why" is after the life experiences I have lived as an individual.
Tuesday 30, 2024
Today was a pretty calm day at work. In the morning, I attended the intern check-in that we have every day at USDA. We said goodbye to Lillie, an intern who works in the same office as me (USDA OPPE). Right after the check-in, the other interns and I went to grab a coffee as a group. I went back to my office and had a meeting via Teams with the Rural Development Agency. After the meeting, I attended another meeting that was held for interns. In this meeting with NextGen, we learned how to use the USA Jobs website and resume information.
Wednesday 31, 2024
Today was also a pretty calm day as well. In the morning, I attended the intern check-in, and we were able to hear from Dr. Mike as he was giving us advice to take back home. Once the check-in concluded, I went to my office and had some more meetings before the day concluded to expand my network. When I got off from work, I went to buy some souvenirs to take back home.
Thursday 1, 2024
Today was my last day at the office which was sad. In the morning, I attended the intern check-in, and we spoke about our plans when we go back home later this week. I had a meeting with the AMS agency and agent, and after this meeting, I said goodbye to the people in our office. As soon as I walked away from the USDA Building, I knew I would miss it.
Friday 2, 2024
Today we woke up early to tour the White House with all of the HEP/CAMP interns. After the White House, we went to the George Washington for our off-boarding day. We were able to hear about CHCI Alumni opportunities and how to keep connected. We later had lunch and received our alumni pins.
Saturday 3, 2024
Today was very exciting. I woke up early to turn in my room key and waited in the lobby with the other interns for our shuttle to travel to the airport. Once we got to the airport, I was excited to hop on the airplane and head home. When I landed in Atlanta, Georgia, my parents were there waiting for me, and we went to eat tacos for dinner. I drove home because I missed driving, and I was telling my parents and siblings about my many experiences in D.C. It feels great to be back home.