Monday 6/24: Today once again we attended our CHCI programming day. We covered resumes, cover letters, interviewing tips, and elevator pitches. After an interesting day with my CHCI cohort we all headed to The Cheesecake Factory where we celebrated Lara's birthday. I had a strawberry cheesecake and brought an original one home:)
On both of these days, I was in the office. Isaac (another intern) and myself were tasked to send emails to 50+ representative staff in order to schedule meetings for this upcoming week. I sent our meeting request while Isaac sent out co-sponsorship requests. I haven't mentioned much about my placement, but today is when it's all taking form. When I first found out I was going to be place with the United Farm Workers, I wasn't sure what to expect. I knew of the UFW but I wasn't sure what kind of work I would be doing. Once I arrived and I met the staff, I was excited to learn how they have managed to help so many individuals. Now at the middle mark I've been able to see first hand how the things the UFW does has and continues to impact many farm worker communities. Currently in my placement, I am discovering the best way to bring attention to the Asunción Valdivia Heat Illness and Fatality Act of 2023, farm worker wages, and the current avian flu. As a current Biology major, I have used what I know in regards to health to help me better voice the need of many farm worker families. Isaac and myself will continue to voice our opinions and hope to obtain more co-sponsors for this bill so that every farm worker and outside worker across the nation receives the basic necessities: water, shade, and break time.

Thursday 6/27:
Let me start by saying how today was one of the busiest day's I've had by far. I woke up and instantly felt some weird feeling, it was my throat. I woke up feeling a very slight but active pain in my throat and because I wasn't sure what it was I went along with my day. I had so much to do today and wasn't sure how I was going to manage, but the day was successful. I started my day by getting a lemon and pineapple smoothie then I went straight into work and began sending out emails, creating role-play talking points for future meetings. After, I planned a presidential debate party, then I worried about the intern social I was to attend. With the grace of God I was able to get everything done. At the intern social I met so many amazing individuals, I tried chicharrón tacos for the first time and I tried a strawberry with chamoy popsicle. After the intern social finalized I jumped on the next metro and headed towards Panda Express. Since we were going to have Panda at the debate party I had to pick it up. Isaac, Joan and myself headed towards Panda and once we got the food we then headed to the debate location. Once we arrived I set everything up and then people started showing up and we ended the night enjoying panda and chips. But remember how my day started with a sore throat? Well by the end of the day I couldn't talk anymore... but it gets better.