07.31.2024 Our Last Foggy Bottom Adventures
Tuesday began as a busy day in the office. I still had a few tasks to finish, and constituents were calling even though recess was upon us. I spent most of the day in the office. I listened in on a briefing on Mexico and the U.S.’s relationship and the fentanyl crisis. It was really interesting to hear from organizations across both countries and the policy recommendations being discussed. The insights gained from the briefing will be valuable in shaping future decisions and initiatives regarding the opioid crisis and international relations.
Afterward, I began to prep for the packing process by beginning the deep cleaning process. It's crazy how fast this week has come. In the evening, the six of us interns went for one last Captain Cookie hangout. We sat outside the western market and reflected on our time together, sharing our favorite memories and expressing gratitude for the friendships we've formed. It was a bittersweet moment as we realized our time together was coming to an end, but I am grateful for the experiences we have shared. To think this is the first place we all got to bond together and that this is where it was ending was bittersweet. The six of us became friends quickly, and the fun we've learned to have together I will forever cherish.

08.01.2024 My last day in the Office
Thursday was a really hard day; it felt as if such an amazing chapter of my life was closing forever. I truly loved my office and every individual in it. I spent the day finishing up a few of my tasks, watching the news, and reflecting on my summer in D.C. When 5 o'clock hit, I hugged my supervisor goodbye and said goodbye to Longworth for the last time. I then walked over to the Capitol and sat on the steps for a bit to breathe and take pictures. Never in my life did I think I would be here and work in such a place, and it all quickly became a cherished memory.
As I watched the sun set behind the capitol building, I felt grateful for the experience and the opportunity to learn and explore. Afterwards, I met up with Perla for our last dinner together in D.C. To think that we had met exactly a year ago today and had now been on so many incredible adventures together was truly remarkable. It was bittersweet knowing that our time in D.C. was coming to an end, but I was grateful for the memories we had created during our time there.

08.02.2024 Goodbyes & See you Laters
Friday was our final day of programming, but we did not start the day off with CHCI instead; six HEP/CAMP interns went to the Whitehouse for a tour! Although we were almost not let in, because of some confusion and missing tickets, everything was resolved, and we got to see the White House. It was really cool to be in there and see a place that holds so much history and secrets. The green room was my absolute favorite. After the tour, we took pictures and headed over to CHCI. At programming, we finished our last evaluations and ate some good Dominican food. When we were released, Esme and I went over to the Capitol and bought some last-minute gifts for our families. I then headed back to pack and clean the rest of the apartment up. Halfway through the process, we, six, decided to get dinner together, and we ate at Esme and Gizel’s apartment.
In the evening, all of us in the cohort met up in the lobby and said goodbye to each other. It was really sad to say goodbye to the people who have been with you for ten transformational weeks, but our time had come to an end. As we hugged and exchanged contact information, I felt grateful for the friendships I had made during the program. The memories we created together will always hold a special place in my heart.

08.03-04.2024 The End
After two horrible days of travel, from missed connections, delays, storms, last-minute hotels, and a lot of stress, I made it to Indiana with my family. Although I’m sad to have left a city that I adore, I am excited to spend some time with my family before the semester begins.

Program Wrap-Up
To wrap things up, I would like to say that everyone was right I have left this experience changed because I now hold the knowledge I need to advocate for the growing number of First-Generation students, like me, who can finally voice their families and communities' concerns. This program was eye-opening and an experience I will forever cherish. To Esmeralda, Gizel, Bryan, Joan, and Juan Diego, thank you for the memories and the laughs. Together us 6 created an incredible friendship that I am eternally grateful for.
Through the rest of my undergraduate experience, I know that I will use the lessons I have learned here in D.C. to help me advocate for my communities and to know that saying yes to any of the opportunities that arise will take you places you never imagined. Thank you to the HEP/CAMP Association and everyone involved in making this internship a reality.
Till next time D.C,
Cindy Villarreal-Medina